To print this form cllick on PDF Box below
Dealership Name:__________________________________________ ___Individual ___Corp
___Partnership ___LLC
Phone #___________________ Cell #_______________________ FAX #___________________
Dealers #____________ Number of D-Tags: _____________ Years in Business ____________
#1 Lot Location: __________________________________________________________________
#2 Lot Location: __________________________________________________________________
Do you work on customers cars? ____Yes ____No ____Occasionally do warranty work only
How many cars a year do you sell? ______ Average wholesale value per car sold: $__________
Is your lot secured? ____No ____Chain Link ____Post with pipe or cable
Do you want physical damage coverage on your cars? (Open Lot) ____Yes ____No
(If yes) How many cars? _______ Total wholesale value of inventory: $____________________
Deductible per car? $__________ Do you want hail coverage? ___Yes ___No ___ Maybe
Current Insurance Company ______________________________ Renewal Date ____________
Current Agent/Agency __________________________ Current Prem ____________________
DRIVER/EMPLOYEE INFORMATION: (Use additional sheet if necessary)
Position |
Name |
DL# and State |
Full or Part Time |
Personal Use of D-Tag |
Owner |
Spouse |
LIST ALL LOSSES IN PAST 3 YEARS: (Use additional sheet if necessay)
Date _________ Type ________________________________________ Amt Paid ____________
Date _________ Type ________________________________________ Amt Paid ____________
Date _________ Type ________________________________________ Amt Paid ____________
Please grant our agency permission to use this information to provide comparison quotes before your current policy renews by signing below:
_______________________________________________ ________________________ (Owner’s Signature) Date
FAX TO: (316) 685-5717 or mail to Smalley Insurance Agency., 1640 S. Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 6Here's where you can enter in text. Feel free to edit, move, delete or add a different page element.